Dundrum Local Area Plan 2023
Draft Plan Public Consultation
What is a Local Area Plan?
A Local Area Plan (LAP) is a statutory document prepared by the Local Authority in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). The LAP will consist of a suite of policies and objectives to guide the development of the area for a period of 6 years. As set out in the Act, a local area plan may be prepared for:
“those areas which require economic, physical and social renewal and for areas likely to be subject to large scale development within the lifetime of the plan”.
The Section 28 ' Local Area Plans – Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2013) ' states that:
“Local Area Plans are intended to provide more detailed planning policies for areas that are expected to experience significant development and change.”
It is the view of the Planning Authority the Dundrum contains sites that will be subject to large scale development.
Chapter 2 of the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Development Plan, 2022-2028 lists Dundrum as an area for which a local area plan is to be prepared.
Context & Location
Dundrum is identified as a 'major centre' in the Core Strategy in the County Development Plan 2022-2028.
Maps 1 & 5 of the County Development Plan 2022-2028 identifies a proposed boundary for the Dundrum Local Area Plan.
On foot of the pre-draft consultation process and work on the draft LAP, its boundary has been extended to include:
- lands at Fernbank,
- the former Notre Dame School site and adjoining open space zoned land to the south at Finsbury Park, and
- Dundrum Business Park to the north.
The map opposite shows:
- On the left side of the bar: the proposed boundary for the LAP as set out in the County Development Plan, 2022-2028, and,
- On the right side of the bar: the proposed extended boundary for the Draft Dundrum LAP.
What is in the Draft Plan?
The Draft Dundrum Local Area Plan consists of 4 documents as follows:
- The Draft Plan document which is split into 9 chapters and 2 appendices:
- Chapter 1: Introduction, Context and Analysis
- Chapter 2: Urban Framework & Site Development Frameworks
- Chapter 3: People and Homes
- Chapter 4: Transport and Movement
- Chapter 5: Climate Action - Mitigation & Adaptation
- Chapter 6: Dundrum Multifunctional Town & Neighbourhood Centres
- Chapter 7: Employment
- Chapter 8: Heritage and Conservation
- Chapter 9: Implementation and Monitoring
- Appendix 1: Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)
- Appendix 2: Statutory Planning Context
- Three stand alone environmental reports:
Vision for DLAP
The vision for Dundrum is of a vibrant, inclusive and attractive town which is connected to and supports surrounding neighbourhoods and functions as a place people can enjoy, to live in, work in and visit.
10-Minute Neighbourhoods
At the heart of DLAP is the “ten-minute neighbourhood” concept whereby a person should be able to walk, cycle or use high quality public transport to access the various amenities within ten minutes of their home.
Character Areas and Opportunity Sites
Chapter 2: 'Urban Framework and site development Frameworks' sets out the overall strategy for the built form in Dundrum.
Character areas within the Plan area are identified along with general urban design parameters.
Individual site frameworks which will guide future development proposals are then set out for Key Development Areas (KDAs) including the Old Dundrum Shopping Centre, Taney Cross and the former Central Mental Hospital site.
In addition to the KDA's, a number of development opportunity sites within the Plan area are identified.
Chapter 3: 'People and Homes' goes on to identify sites where there is opportunity to provide childcare and play facilities.
The interactive map opposite shows these elements of the Draft Dundrum LAP.
What can I comment on now?
The LAP preparation process can involve three stages of public consultation:
- Pre-Draft Local Area Plan stage, which occurred in
- Draft Local Area Plan stage (the stage we are at now) and, potentially,
- Material Alteration’s stage (Only if required).
We are now at Draft stage of the plan making process.
The Draft LAP for Dundrum will be on public display for 6 weeks from Thursday, 8th June 2023 – Friday, 21st July 2023.
You are invited to submit your views on what you think the future Draft LAP should contain and what issues it should address.
Public Consultation
The stages of the public consultation process for the Draft Dundrum Local Area Plan are set out below.
A submission can be made through our consultation portal here:
Stage 2: Draft 'Have Your Say' Public Consultation:
Consultation Commences Thursday, 8th June 2023
The consultation period is from the 8th June 2023 to the 21st July 2023.
Public Information Webinar: Tuesday, 20th June 2023
The Planning Authority will be holding a public information webinar on 20th June 2023 at 7pm. During this event, there will be a presentation of DLAP followed by Q&A’s. Click here to register for the webinar.
Drop-in Days: Tuesday, 27th June 2023 & Thursday, 6th July 2023
Council officials will be available to assist with your queries during our drop-in days in the Dundrum Council Offices on Tuesday 27th June 2023: 10.30am – 12.30pm and 2:00pm - 4:00pm and Thursday 6th July 2023: 4.00pm – 8.00pm.
Submissions / Observations
Submissions / observations may be made in writing during the 6week consultation period, either online or by post to:
Senior Executive Officer
Planning and Economic Development Department,
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council,
County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin A96K6C9
Consultation ends: Friday, 21st July 2023
All submissions / observation must be made no later than the 21st July 2023. Late submissions / observations will not be accepted.
Preparation of Chief Executive's Report on Submissions Received - 6 weeks
The Chief Executive will prepare a report on submissions / observations received and make recommendations as required. This report will then be issued to the Elected Members for their consideration.
Consideration of the Chief Executive's Report and Draft LAP - Autumn 2023
The Elected Members have 6 weeks to consider the CE Report and the Draft LAP.
Draft LAP is made or amended
The Plan will be made or amended by resolution at a Council meeting. If made, the plan comes into effect 6 weeks from the day it is made.
Stage 3: Material Alterations to Draft Plan (If Any)
This stage will only occur if the draft plan is materially amended.
What happens next?
Following this Draft Plan Public Consultation, a Chief Executive's report will be prepared and circulated to the Elected Members for their consideration.
The Chief Executive's report will then be published on our webpage.
Further Details
For further details please visit the Dundrum Local Area Plan webpage.